Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Nora Denise

 East Coast Migration - Newborn Shoot-

Sweet little Nora is my cousins news member to his family. She is the welcomed little sister to big brother Sean and she is adorable. I saw a family resemblance in Nora and my cousin's grandmother, which I find so amazing.  I love when you can see older generations in children. She is truly a little sweetheart and was  perfect in front of the camera. Sean was also super sweet with her and I think he will do a good job of looking out for her from now on. Please enjoy my favorites...

Shout to 2nd cousins with this last photo!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

East Coast Migration- Weston

Newport, RI

Weston is adorable! He was just starting to stand on his own and balance on two feet. Such a fun time- right before they learn to walk and can't be stopped! We went to a park and Fort Adams. When kiddos are under 3, you have to work around nap time first, then daylight. So we shot mid day and looked for some shade. Nerissa said getting him to smile would be a challenge, which is was, but I think I managed to capture his sweetness once he warmed up to me- that and his mom put the smile on his face! I felt like in all the photos he was just observing and thinking. I love his expressions, you see his kindness in them... Just like his momma!!

These are my favs... ENJOY!