Wednesday, October 29, 2014

East Coast Migration- Jameson

Stonington, CT

I photographed Heather and  James wedding 4 years ago- I can't believe it's been 4 years!  Now they have welcomed a beautiful little boy into their lives. I feel so lucky that they asked me to continue taking photos of the life milestones and I got to meet Jameson. He was adorable! Heather also brought along her baby quilt which I thought was so sweet. He is a wonderful kiddo- absolutely adorable! I can't wait to watch him grow through my lens. These are the highlights!


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

East Coast Migration Shoots.... The CURRAN GIRLS!

Stonington, Connecticut

Ok! It's time to start sharing all the great photos that I got to take during the 3rd annual East Coast Migration. I will be starting things off with the Currans. These sisters were great! We met up in Stonington Borough to take photos, knowing the girls we over 3, I thought it would be fun to walk around the Borough,  pop in and out of doorways, cool colored/textured walls. The scenery and the girls did not disappoint! It was a great shoot! Here are some of my favs!

 Of course their beautiful Mother had to be a in a few pics - Always a must! 

I love this last one.. big sister asking little sister to do something...