Thursday, May 29, 2014

Baby Leo

Born on January 25, 2014.  This little guy was so sleepy and a perfect little model. At the end of our session he did wake up for a few photos... I love when their sleepy for photos, but I also love when they wake up for a bit and I can see their eyes. I enjoying seeing the world reflecting in them. Handsome little guy! Enjoy the highlights!

Monday, May 19, 2014


born: January 27, 2014

This beautiful little girl arrived on a Monday and we took photos one week later. She was so sweet! At first she was nicely sleeping and then woke up to check things out. Her parents had a little monkey they wanted her pictured with and adorable hand knit hat and shoes (that were too big!). A very calm and beautiful baby! I enjoyed the opportunity to take her first photographs! Here are some highlights...